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8.1.31PHP Version59.94msRequest Duration3MBMemory UsageGET loginRoute
  • warninglog[08:57:40] LOG.warning: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecat...
  • warninglog[08:57:40] LOG.warning: Return type of Devfactory\Minify\Providers\BaseProvider::count() should eith...
  • Booting (30.26ms)
  • Application (29.52ms)
  • 1 x Booting (50.48%)
    1 x Application (49.25%)
    11 templates were rendered
    • auth.login (resources/views/auth/login.blade.php)0blade
    • (resources/views/auth/social-login-box.blade.php)3blade
    • auth.login-form (resources/views/auth/login-form.blade.php)3blade
    • (resources/views/layouts/no-nav.blade.php)3blade
    • (resources/views/template/google-tag-js.blade.php)3blade
    • template.head (resources/views/template/head.blade.php)3blade
    • (resources/views/elements/site-entry-approval-box.blade.php)3blade
    • template.jsVars (resources/views/template/jsVars.blade.php)3blade
    • template.jsAssets (resources/views/template/jsAssets.blade.php)3blade
    • elements.translations (resources/views/elements/translations.blade.php)3blade
    • template.cdn2-adtng (resources/views/template/cdn2-adtng.blade.php)3blade
    GET login
    0 statements were executed0μs
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Vos publications seront cachées mutuellement et les discussions seront désactivées.": "Are you sure you want to block this user? Your posts will be hidden from each other and discussions will be disabled.",\r\n "Voulez-vous vraiment bloquer cet utilisateur? Vos publications seront cachées mutuellement et les discussions seront désactivées.": "Are you sure you want "Voulez-vous vraiment arrêter de suivre cet utilisateur ? Ses publications n'apparaîtront plus dans votre fil d'actualités.": "Are you sure you want to stop following this user? Their posts will no longer appear in your news feed.",\r\n "Voulez-vous vraiment arrêter de suivre cet utilisateur ? Ses publications n'apparaîtront plus dans votre fil d'actualités.": "Are you sure you want to stop "Vous pouvez reprendre contact à tout moment.": "You can get back in touch at any time.",\r\n "Confirmer": "Confirm",\r\n "Il reste ": "Still",\r\n " jour(s)": "day(s)",\r\n " heure(s)": " hour(s)",\r\n "Il semblerait que la page que vous recherchez n'existe pas ou ait été déplacée. Merci de votre compréhension.": "It appears that the page you are looking for does not exist or has been moved. Thank you for your understanding.",\r\n "Il semblerait que la page que vous recherchez n'existe pas ou ait été déplacée. Merci de votre compréhension.": "It appears that the page you are looking f "404 Page - Oups, page non trouvée !": "404 Page - Oops, page not found!",\r\n "Oups, page non trouvée !": "Oops, page not found!",\r\n "Retourner à la page d'accueil": "Return to home page",\r\n " minute(s)": " minute(s)",\r\n "pour cette promotion de prix d'abonement": "for this subscription price promotion",\r\n "Se désabonner de l'utilisateur": "Unsubscribe from user",\r\n "Bloquer l'utilisateur" : "Block user",\r\n "Plus d'informations": "More information",\r\n "Quelles sont les raisons ?": "What are the reasons ?",\r\n "C’est quoi ": "What is ",\r\n "Payer maintenant": "Pay now",\r\n "Recherche ...": "Research ...",\r\n "accept_condition_pay": "By making your payment, you acknowledge having read and accepted the conditions general sales. We encourage you to read the terms and conditions carefully before proceed to payment.",\r\n "accept_condition_pay": "By making your payment, you acknowledge having read and accepted the conditions general sales. We encourage you to read the terms a "Send you a message: :message": "Sent you a message: :message",\r\n "aime votre ": ":name like your ",\r\n "aime votre commentaire": ":name like your comment",\r\n "a ajouté un commentaire sur votre": ":name added a comment to your",\r\n "Un nouvel utilisateur vient de s'abonner": "A new user has just subscribed",\r\n "retrait en cours": "withdrawal in progress",\r\n "vous a envoyé un message": "sent you a message",\r\n "Rechercher": "Research",\r\n "Souscription": "Subscription",\r\n "Messages privés": "Private messages",\r\n "Demandes particulières": "Special requests",\r\n "Demande de contenus privés": "Request for private content",\r\n "Pourboires": "Tips",\r\n "Calculateur": "Calculator",\r\n "des gains": "Earnings",\r\n "des créateurs de contenu": "Content Creator",\r\n "Live_home": "Live",\r\n "Contenu éphémère": "Ephemeral content",\r\n "en cours de création": "in the process of creation",\r\n "Comment": "How",\r\n "ça marche ?": "does it work?",\r\n "Etape 1": "Step 1",\r\n "Créez votre compte créateur": "Create your creator account",\r\n "Devenez un compte certifié et commencez à partager du contenu en quelques minutes.": "Become a certified account, and you can start sharing content in minutes",\r\n "Devenez un compte certifié et commencez à partager du contenu en quelques minutes.": "Become a certified account, and you can start sharing content in minu "Etape 2": "Step 2",\r\n "Connectez-vous avec vos fans": "Connect with your fans",\r\n "Partagez votre compte auprès de votre communauté de fans sur vos réseaux sociaux.": "Share your account with your fan community on your social networks",\r\n "Partagez votre compte auprès de votre communauté de fans sur vos réseaux sociaux.": "Share your account with your fan community on your social networks",\r "Etape 3": "Step 3",\r\n "Gagnez votre revenu": "Earn you income",\r\n "Recevez 85% des gains pendant le premier mois. Retirez vos gains sur votre compte.": "85% of earnings will be paid to you for the first month, withdraw your earnings to your account",\r\n "Recevez 85% des gains pendant le premier mois. Retirez vos gains sur votre compte.": "85% of earnings will be paid to you for the first month, withdraw you "Ne manquez pas cette opportunité": "Don't miss this opportunity",\r\n "Sans tarder crées ton compte créateur sur": "Without delay, create your creator account on",\r\n "home_6_cta": "Create an account",\r\n "Nous acceptons les paiement par Mobile Banking": "We accept payments via Mobile Banking",\r\n "Paiement sécurisé par": "Secure payment by",\r\n "Entreprise": "Company",\r\n "Informations": "Information",\r\n "Suivez-nous sur": "Follow us on",\r\n "Inscription": "Registration",\r\n "Connexion": "Log in",\r\n "Support": "Support",\r\n "Blog": "Blog",\r\n "FAQ": "FAQ",\r\n "Termes and conditions": "Terms and conditions",\r\n "Termes et conditions": "Terms and conditions",\r\n "Guidelines": "Guidelines",\r\n "Se connecter avec Facebook": "Log in with Facebook",\r\n "Se connecter avec Google": "Log in with Google",\r\n "Login_ou": "or",\r\n "Login Vous n’avez-pas encore un compte": "Don't have an account yet?",\r\n "Login Créer un compte": "Create an account",\r\n "E-mail": "Email",\r\n "Mot de passe": "Password",\r\n "Supprimer": "Delete",\r\n "Retour": "Back",\r\n "Ajouter un commentaire ...": "Add a comment ...",\r\n "Téléchargez votre vidéo de présentation": "Upload your presentation video", \r\n "Celle-ci sera visible publiquement sur votre profil et sur le flux de la plateforme, donnant à chacun un aperçu unique de votre personnalité et de vos passions.": "This will be publicly visible on your profile and on the platform feed, giving everyone a unique insight into your personality and passions.",\r\n "Celle-ci sera visible publiquement sur votre profil et sur le flux de la plateforme, donnant à chacun un aperçu unique de votre personnalité et de vos pass "Choisir un fichier": "Choose a file",\r\n "Mot de passe oublié": "Forgot password",\r\n "Login Se connecter": "Log in",\r\n "Nom": "Name",\r\n "Confirmer votre mot de passe": "Confirm your password",\r\n "Vous avez déjà un compte ?": "Already have an account?",\r\n "Jaccepte": "I accept",\r\n "Voir le profil": "View profile",\r\n "Nom d’utilisateur": "Username",\r\n "Nom et prénom": "First and last name",\r\n "Créer une nouvelle publication sur Fanrhythm ... ": "Create a new post on Fanrhythm ... ",\r\n "Date de naissance": "Date of birth",\r\n "Genre":"Gender",\r\n "Adresse (Ville et pays)":"Address (City and country)",\r\n "Lien externe": "External link",\r\n "Biographie": "Biography",\r\n "Télécharger une photo": "Upload a photo",\r\n "Créer une publication": "Create a post",\r\n "Modifier ma publication": "Edit my post",\r\n "Ajouter à votre publication": "Add to your post",\r\n "Prix": "Price",\r\n "Photos et vidéos": "Photos and videos",\r\n "les conditions dutilisation": "the terms of use",\r\n "et": "and",\r\n "la politique de confidentialité.": "the privacy policy.",\r\n "Vérifier le captcha": "Verify the captcha",\r\n "Créer un compte sur Fanrhythm": "Create an account on Fanrhythm",\r\n "Réinitialisation du mot de passe": "Password reset",\r\n "Envoyer le lien": "Send the link",\r\n "Réinitialisation": "Reset now",\r\n "Définir un nouveau mot de passe": "Set a new password",\r\n "Fil": "News feed",\r\n "Suivre gratuitement": "Follow for free",\r\n "Ne plus suivre": "Unfollow",\r\n "Drop files here to upload": "Drag your files here",\r\n "Top": "Top",\r\n "Latest": "Latest",\r\n "Reglages": "Settings",\r\n "Subscriptions": "Subscriptions",\r\n "Tips": "Tips",\r\n "Post": "Post",\r\n "Profile": "Profile",\r\n "account": "Change my password",\r\n "wallet": "Payments",\r\n "payments": "Transaction history",\r\n "rates": "Subscription management",\r\n "subscriptions": "Manage my subscriptions",\r\n "subscribers": "subscribers",\r\n "notifications": "Notification settings",\r\n "privacy": "Privacy settings",\r\n "verify": "Account status",\r\n \r\n "Update your bio, cover and avatar": "Edit my profile",\r\n "Referral": "Referral",\r\n "referrals": "Affiliate settings",\r\n "Blocked": "Blocked users",\r\n "Following": "Following",\r\n "Send a tip": "Send a tip",\r\n "Search": "Search",\r\n "First name": "First name",\r\n "Last name": "Last name",\r\n "Country": "Country",\r\n "Select a country": "Select a country",\r\n "City": "City",\r\n "State": "State",\r\n "Postcode": "Postcode",\r\n "Address": "Address",\r\n "Street address, apartment, suite, unit": "Street address, apartment, suite, unit",\r\n "Please complete all billing details": "Please complete all billing details",\r\n "Account": "Account",\r\n "Add funds": "Add funds",\r\n "Add to your lists": "Add to your lists",\r\n "Add your card?": "Add your card?",\r\n "All": "All",\r\n "All rights reserved.": "All rights reserved.",\r\n "Already got an account?": "Already got an account?",\r\n "Amount": "Amount",\r\n "Amount ($5 min, $500 max)": "Amount ($5 min, $500 max)",\r\n "Are you sure you want to clear all members out of current list?": "Are you sure you want to clear all members out of current list?",\r\n "Are you sure you want to delete this list?": "Are you sure you want to delete this list?",\r\n "Are you sure you want to delete this post?": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",\r\n "Audio": "Audio",\r\n "Available funds. You can deposit more money or become a creator to earn more.": "Available funds. You can deposit more money or become a creator to earn more.",\r\n "Available funds. You can deposit more money or become a creator to earn more.": "Available funds. You can deposit more money or become a creator to earn mo "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.",\r\n "Bio": "Bio",\r\n "Edit": "Edit",\r\n "Set post price": "Set post price",\r\n "Paid posts are locked for subscribers as well.": "Paid posts are locked for subscribers as well.",\r\n "Price": "Price",\r\n "Bookmark this post": "Bookmark this post",\r\n "Bookmarks": "Bookmarks",\r\n "Contacts": "Contacts",\r\n "Checkout": "Checkout",\r\n "Clear": "Clear",\r\n "Clear list": "Clear list",\r\n "Manual payouts": "Manual payouts",\r\n "Request withdrawal": "Request withdrawal",\r\n "Pending balance": "Pending balance",\r\n "Payment account": "Payment account",\r\n "Bank account": "Bank account",\r\n "PayPal email": "PayPal email",\r\n "Wallet address": "Wallet address",\r\n "Bank account, notes, etc": "Bank account, notes, etc",\r\n "Full access to this user's content": "Full access to this user's content",\r\n "Direct message with this user": "Direct message with this user",\r\n "Cancel your subscription at any time": "Cancel your subscription at any time",\r\n "Click the text bubble to send a new message.": "Click the text bubble to send a new message.",\r\n "Close": "Close",\r\n "Birthdate": "Birthdate",\r\n "Write a new post, drag and drop files to add attachments.": "Write a new post, drag and drop files to add attachments.",\r\n "Confirm Password": "Confirm Password",\r\n "Confirm password": "Confirm password",\r\n "Confirm your email address.": "Confirm your email address.",\r\n "Contact page": "Contact page",\r\n "Terms & conditions": "Terms & conditions",\r\n "Copy post link": "Copy post link",\r\n "Copy profile link": "Copy profile link",\r\n "Create a new list": "Create a new list",\r\n "Credit card": "Credit card",\r\n "Dark mode": "Dark mode",\r\n "Delete": "Delete",\r\n "Delete account": "Delete account",\r\n "Delete list": "Delete list",\r\n "Delete post": "Delete post",\r\n "Deposit": "Deposit",\r\n "Documentation": "Documentation",\r\n "Don't have an account?": "Don't have an account?",\r\n "E-Mail Address": "E-Mail Address",\r\n "Edit post": "Edit post",\r\n "Edit profile": "Edit profile",\r\n "Explore": "Explore",\r\n "Find a creator": "Find a creator",\r\n "Forgot Your Password?": "Forgot Your Password?",\r\n "Free account only": "Free account only",\r\n "From": "From",\r\n "Full name": "Full name",\r\n "Get verified and start to earning now": "Get verified and start to earning now",\r\n "Help and support": "Help and support",\r\n "Hide bundles": "Hide bundles",\r\n "Unfollow": "Unfollow",\r\n "Home": "Home",\r\n "I agree to the": "I agree to the",\r\n "If you did not receive the email": "If you did not receive the email",\r\n "In order to get verified and receive your badge, please take care of the following steps:": "In order to get verified and receive your badge, please take care of the following steps:",\r\n "In order to get verified and receive your badge, please take care of the following steps:": "In order to get verified and receive your badge, please take c "Is public account": "Is public account",\r\n "Language": "Language",\r\n "Light mode": "Light mode",\r\n "Like": "Like",\r\n "Likes": "Likes",\r\n "List name": "List name",\r\n "Lists": "Lists",\r\n "Loading...": "Loading...",\r\n "Location": "Location",\r\n "Locked": "Locked",\r\n "Log out": "Log out",\r\n "Login": "Login",\r\n "Make more money": "Make more money",\r\n "Become a creator and post your premium content securely on our platform. Earn up to 85% out of your sales and enjoy a stable base of fans.": "Become a creator and post your premium content securely on our platform. Earn up to 85% out of your sales and enjoy a stable base of fans.",\r\n "Become a creator and post your premium content securely on our platform. Earn up to 85% out of your sales and enjoy a stable base of fans.": "Become a crea "Manage": "Manage",\r\n "Manage your account": "Manage your account",\r\n "Manage your account settings": "Manage your account settings",\r\n "No suggestions available": "No suggestions available",\r\n "Become a creator": "Become a creator",\r\n "Featured creators": "Featured creators",\r\n "Here's list of curated content creators to start exploring now!": "Here's list of curated content creators to start exploring now!",\r\n "Got questions?": "Got questions?",\r\n "Don't hesitate to send us a message at": "Don't hesitate to send us a message at",\r\n "Send a tip to this user": "Send a tip to this user",\r\n "Your payment have been successfully initiated but needs to await for approval": "Your payment have been successfully initiated but needs to await for approval",\r\n "Your payment have been successfully initiated but needs to await for approval": "Your payment have been successfully initiated but needs to await for appro "Contact us": "Contact us",\r\n "Don't hesitate to contact us for any matter. We will get back to you asap.": "Don't hesitate to contact us for any matter. We will get back to you asap.",\r\n "Don't hesitate to contact us for any matter. We will get back to you asap.": "Don't hesitate to contact us for any matter. We will get back to you asap.",\ "Message sent.": "Message sent.",\r\n "Email address": "Email address",\r\n "Subject": "Subject",\r\n "Message": "Message",\r\n "Submit": "Submit",\r\n "Feed": "Feed",\r\n "Create": "Create",\r\n "comments": "comment|comments",\r\n "Messages": "Messages",\r\n "Messenger": "Messenger",\r\n "Missing notifications": "Missing notifications",\r\n "More": "More",\r\n "My profile": "My profile",\r\n "Name": "Name",\r\n "New message received": "New message received",\r\n "You successfully unlocked this message.": "You successfully unlocked this message.",\r\n "New password": "New password",\r\n "New post": "New post",\r\n "New posts from subscribed accounts": "New posts from subscribed accounts",\r\n "New subscription registered": "New subscription registered",\r\n "Next page": "Next page",\r\n "No comments yet.": "No comments yet.",\r\n "No description available.": "No description available.",\r\n "No lists available": "No lists available",\r\n "No posts available": "No posts available",\r\n "No profiles available": "No profiles available",\r\n "Notifications": "Notifications",\r\n "Limited offer main label": "Limited offer - :discount% main :days_remaining days",\r\n "Offer ends label": "Offer ends :date",\r\n "One month subscription of": "One month subscription of",\r\n "Cancel": "Cancel",\r\n "Continue": "Continue",\r\n "Other": "Other",\r\n "Paid with": "Paid with",\r\n "Password": "Password",\r\n "Payments": "Payments",\r\n "Photos": "Photos",\r\n "Please enter a list name.": "Please enter a list name.",\r\n "Please enter a valid amount.": "Please enter a valid amount.",\r\n "Please select your payment method": "Please select your payment method",\r\n "Previous page": "Previous page",\r\n "Pricing": "Pricing",\r\n "Privacy": "Privacy",\r\n "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy",\r\n "guidelines": "Guidelines",\r\n "Proceed with payment": "Proceed with payment",\r\n "Promos": "Promos",\r\n "Recent": "Recent",\r\n "Refresh suggestions": "Refresh suggestions",\r\n "Register": "Register",\r\n "Or use social": "Or use social",\r\n "Regular price label": "Regular price :amount :currency / month",\r\n "Remember Me": "Remember Me",\r\n "Dévérouiller ce contenu pour": "Unlock this content for",\r\n "Remove the bookmark": "Remove the bookmark",\r\n "Rename list": "Rename list",\r\n "Renews": "Renews",\r\n "Report": "Report",\r\n "Suggestions": "Suggestions",\r\n "Save": "Save",\r\n "Say 'Hi!' to someone!": "Say 'Hi!' to someone!",\r\n "Send Password Reset Link": "Send Password Reset Link",\r\n "Enjoy high quality content, made for you and the ones like you.": "Enjoy high quality content, made for you and the ones like you.",\r\n "Enjoy private conversations and get tipped for your content.": "Enjoy private conversations and get tipped for your content.",\r\n "Your content get's safely upload in the cloud and full controll to your account.": "Your content get's safely upload in the cloud and full controll to your account.",\r\n "Your content get's safely upload in the cloud and full controll to your account.": "Your content get's safely upload in the cloud and full controll to your "Premium & Private content": "Premium & Private content",\r\n "Send a message": "Send a message",\r\n "Send a new message": "Send a new message",\r\n "Send a new message to": "Send a new message to",\r\n "Before sending a new message, please subscribe to a creator a follow a free profile.": "Before sending a new message, please subscribe to a creator a follow a free profile.",\r\n "Before sending a new message, please subscribe to a creator a follow a free profile.": "Before sending a new message, please subscribe to a creator a follo "Set your birthdate.": "Set your birthdate.",\r\n "Settings": "Settings",\r\n "Sign in": "Sign in",\r\n "Sign up": "Sign up",\r\n "Status": "Status",\r\n "Subscribe": "Subscribe",\r\n "Subscription": "Subscription",\r\n "Subscriptions bundles": "Subscriptions bundles",\r\n "Successfully canceled subscription": "Successfully canceled subscription",\r\n "Terms of Use": "Terms of Use",\r\n "There are no active or cancelled subscriptions at the moment.": "There are no active or cancelled subscriptions at the moment.",\r\n "There are no payments on this account.": "There are no payments on this account.",\r\n "To": "To",\r\n "Try for free": "Try for free",\r\n "Start your own premium creators platform with our ready to go solution.": "Start your own premium creators platform with our ready to go solution.",\r\n "Payment canceled": "Payment canceled",\r\n "Your deposit request of :amount has been approved.": "Your deposit request of :amount has been approved.",\r\n "Check your wallet": "Check your wallet",\r\n "Your deposit request has been approved": "Your deposit request has been approved",\r\n "Partially paid payment": "Partially paid payment",\r\n "There is a partially paid payment done with NowPayments that requires your attention. (:paymentId)": "There is a partially paid payment done with NowPayments that requires your attention. (:paymentId)",\r\n "There is a partially paid payment done with NowPayments that requires your attention. (:paymentId)": "There is a partially paid payment done with NowPaymen "Check payment": "Check payment",\r\n "Type": "Type",\r\n "Upload a Government issued ID card.": "Upload a Government issued ID card.",\r\n "Username": "Username",\r\n "Verify": "Verify",\r\n "Verify Your Email Address": "Verify Your Email Address",\r\n "Videos": "Videos",\r\n "Website URL": "Website URL",\r\n "Write a message..": "Write a message..",\r\n "Attach file": "Attach file",\r\n "Send message": "Send message",\r\n "Message price": "Message price",\r\n "You got no messages yet.": "You got no messages yet.",\r\n "Attachment removed.": "Attachment removed.",\r\n "Failed to remove the attachment.": "Failed to remove the attachment.",\r\n "You need to login first": "You need to login first",\r\n "Your active subscriptions": "Your active subscriptions",\r\n "Subscribe to": "Subscribe to :username for :currency:amount every :subscription_interval",\r\n "Your notifications settings": "Your notifications settings",\r\n "Your payments & wallet": "Your payments & wallet",\r\n "Your post must contain more than 10 characters.": "Your post must contain more than 10 characters.",\r\n "Your privacy and safety matters": "Your privacy and safety matters",\r\n "and": "and",\r\n "click here to request another": "click here to request another",\r\n "days": ":number day|:number days",\r\n "months": ":number month|:number months",\r\n "Followers": "Followers",\r\n "for": "for",\r\n "likes": "like|likes",\r\n "tips": "tip|tips",\r\n "Your profile subscription price": "Your profile subscription price",\r\n "6 months subscription price": "6 months subscription price",\r\n "3 months subscription price": "3 months subscription price",\r\n "12 months subscription price": "12 months subscription price",\r\n "Is offer until": "Is offer until",\r\n "In order to start a promotion, reduce your monthly prices and select a future promotion end date.": "In order to start a promotion, reduce your monthly prices and select a future promotion end date.",\r\n "In order to start a promotion, reduce your monthly prices and select a future promotion end date.": "In order to start a promotion, reduce your monthly pri "members": ":number member|:number members",\r\n "posts": ":number post|:number posts",\r\n "people": ":number person|:number people",\r\n "images": ":number image|:number images",\r\n "videos": ":number video|:number videos",\r\n "audio": ":number audio|:number audios",\r\n "fans": ":number fan|:number fans",\r\n "following": ":number following|:number following",\r\n "to access": "to access",\r\n "with your content": "with your content",\r\n "DMs unavailable without subscription": "DMs unavailable without subscription",\r\n "Success": "Success",\r\n "Error": "Error",\r\n "You have been credited :currencySymbol:amount Happy spending!": "You have been credited :currencySymbol:amount Happy spending!",\r\n "You successfully sent a tip of :currencySymbol:amount.": "You successfully sent a tip of :currencySymbol:amount.",\r\n "Payment summary": "Payment summary",\r\n "Comment added": "Comment added",\r\n "List added": "List added",\r\n "List renamed": "List renamed",\r\n "New comment received": "New comment received",\r\n "Upcoming renewals": "Upcoming renewals",\r\n "Received a tip": "Received a tip",\r\n "Unlock post for": "Unlock post for",\r\n "Unlock post": "Unlock post",\r\n "valid": "valid",\r\n "user subscription": "user subscription",\r\n "and an": "and an",\r\n "one time fee": "one time fee",\r\n "Cancel subscription": "Cancel subscription",\r\n "Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?": "Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?",\r\n "Confirm": "Confirm",\r\n "Due": "Due",\r\n "Number": "Number",\r\n "Date": "Date",\r\n "Invoiced To": "Invoiced To",\r\n "Invoice From": "Invoice From",\r\n "Generated on": "Generated on",\r\n "Print": "Print",\r\n "Subtotal": "Subtotal",\r\n "Taxes": "Taxes",\r\n "Subscribed": "Subscribed",\r\n "Total": "Total",\r\n "View invoice": "View invoice",\r\n "Description": "Description",\r\n "Total taxes": "Total taxes",\r\n "pending": "pending",\r\n "completed": "completed",\r\n "suspended": "suspended",\r\n "update-needed": "update-needed",\r\n "canceled": "canceled",\r\n "expired": "expired",\r\n "disapproved": "disapproved",\r\n "approved": "approved",\r\n "declined": "declined",\r\n "refunded": "refunded",\r\n "initiated": "initiated",\r\n "tip": "tip",\r\n "deposit": "deposit",\r\n "one-month-subscription": "One-month subscription",\r\n "three-months-subscription": "Three-months subscription",\r\n "six-months-subscription": "Six-months subscription",\r\n "yearly-subscription": "Yearly subscription",\r\n "subscription-renewal": "Subscription renewal",\r\n "post notification": "Post notification",\r\n ":name added a new comment on your": ":name added a new comment on your",\r\n "Hello, :name": "Hello, :name",\r\n "You've received a new comment on one of your posts at :siteName.": "You've received a new comment on one of your posts at :siteName.",\r\n "Your notifications": "Your notifications",\r\n "New subscription from :name": "New subscription from :name.",\r\n "A new user subscribed to your profile": "A new user subscribed to your profile",\r\n "You got a new subscriber!": "You got a new subscriber!",\r\n "You got a new subscriber! You can see more details over your subscriptions tab.": "You got a new subscriber! You can see more details over your subscriptions tab.",\r\n "You got a new subscriber! You can see more details over your subscriptions tab.": "You got a new subscriber! You can see more details over your subscriptio "Manage your subs": "Manage your subs",\r\n "sent you a tip of": "sent you a tip of",\r\n "You got a new tip!": "You got a new tip!",\r\n ":name liked your": ":name liked your",\r\n ":name liked your comment": ":name liked your comment",\r\n "Withdrawal processed": "Withdrawal processed",\r\n "successfully renewed": "successfully renewed",\r\n "failed renewing": "failed renewing",\r\n "Check out his profile for more content": "Check out his profile for more content",\r\n "Go back to the website": "Go back to the website",\r\n "Your subscription renewal": "Your subscription renewal",\r\n "Email subscription updated": "Email subscription updated",\r\n "Back": "Back",\r\n "Please add your withdrawal notes: EG: Paypal or Bank account.": "Please add your withdrawal notes: EG: Paypal or Bank account.",\r\n "Your withdrawal request has been denied.": "Your withdrawal request has been denied.",\r\n "Your withdrawal request has been approved.": "Your withdrawal request has been approved.",\r\n "Try again": "Try again",\r\n "My payments": "My payments",\r\n "Email withdrawal processed": "Email withdrawal processed",\r\n "Email payment request processed": "Email payment request processed",\r\n "has been sent to your account.": "has been sent to your account.",\r\n "requested": "requested",\r\n "rejected": "rejected",\r\n "verified": "verified",\r\n "post-unlock": "post-unlock",\r\n "message-unlock": "message-unlock",\r\n "Email identity checked": "Email identity checked",\r\n "Your identity check failed.": "Your identity check failed.",\r\n "Your identity check passed.": "Your identity check passed.",\r\n "Create a post": "Create a post",\r\n "Confirm action": "Confirm action",\r\n "Some attachments are still being uploaded.": "Some attachments are still being uploaded.",\r\n "Are you sure you want to continue?": "Are you sure you want to continue?",\r\n "Email new message title": "Email new message title",\r\n "View your messages": "View your messages",\r\n "Upcoming renewal": "Upcoming renewal",\r\n "Thanks": "Thanks",\r\n "Platform statistics": "Platform statistics",\r\n "Users registered": "Users registered",\r\n "New posts": "New posts",\r\n "New subscriptions": "New subscriptions",\r\n "Total earned": "Total earned",\r\n "Active subscriptions": "Active subscriptions",\r\n "Subscriptions revenue": "Subscriptions revenue",\r\n "Total transactions": "Total transactions",\r\n "Total amount earned": "Total amount earned",\r\n "Total posts": "Total posts",\r\n "Post attachments": "Post attachments",\r\n "Post comments": "Post comments",\r\n "Total reactions": "Total reactions",\r\n "Go to users": "Go to users",\r\n "Go to payments": "Go to payments",\r\n "Go to content": "Go to content",\r\n "New users": "New users",\r\n "No prior data": "No prior data",\r\n "thousands_separator": ".",\r\n "Users roles": "Users roles",\r\n "Not Confirmed": "Not Confirmed",\r\n "Registered users": "Registered users",\r\n "Increase": "Increase",\r\n "Decrease": "Decrease",\r\n "Constant": "Constant",\r\n "No current data": "No current data",\r\n "Website": "Website",\r\n "Complete your verification": "Complete your verification",\r\n "Please attach clear photos of your ID card back and front side.": "Please attach clear photos of your ID card back and front side.",\r\n "Your info looks good, you're all set to post new content!": "Your info looks good, you're all set to post new content!",\r\n "The payouts are manually and it usually take up to 24 hours for a withdrawal to be processed, we will notify you as soon as your request is processed": "The payouts are manually and it usually take up to 24 hours for a withdrawal to be processed, we will notify you as soon as your request is processed",\r\n "The payouts are manually and it usually take up to 24 hours for a withdrawal to be processed, we will notify you as soon as your request is processed": "Th "Next": "Next",\r\n "Mandatory requirements": "Mandatory requirements",\r\n "Optional requirements": "Optional requirements",\r\n "Go home": "Go home",\r\n "Update": "Update",\r\n "Before being able to publish an item, you need to complete your": "Before being able to publish an item, you need to complete your",\r\n "profile verification": "profile verification",\r\n "Contact": "Contact",\r\n "Credit": "Credit",\r\n "Copyright": "Copyright",\r\n "Verify email": "Verify email",\r\n "Please verify your account": "Please verify your account",\r\n "Your email address is not verified.": "Your email address is not verified.",\r\n "Click here": "Click here",\r\n "to re-send the confirmation email.": "to re-send the confirmation email.",\r\n "Page not found": "Page non trouvée",\r\n "Your feed": "Your feed",\r\n "Invoice": "Invoice",\r\n "Your lists": "Your lists",\r\n "Please select an user first": "Please select an user first",\r\n "Please enter your message": "Please enter your message",\r\n "These credentials do not match our records.": "These credentials do not match our records.",\r\n "Suggestions list refreshed": "Suggestions list refreshed",\r\n "Error fetching suggestions": "Error fetching suggestions",\r\n "Attachments removed successfully": "Attachments removed successfully",\r\n "List deleted successfully.": "List deleted successfully.",\r\n "Not authorized": "Not authorized",\r\n "List not found.": "List not found.",\r\n "List cleared.": "List cleared.",\r\n "Report sent.": "Report sent.",\r\n "Looks like the payment process has been cancelled.": "Looks like the payment process has been cancelled.",\r\n "User not verified. Can not post content.": "User not verified. Can not post content.",\r\n "Not found": "Not found",\r\n "Post not found": "Post not found",\r\n "Post deleted successfully.": "Post deleted successfully.",\r\n "Settings not saved": "Settings not saved",\r\n "Settings saved": "Settings saved",\r\n "removed successfully": "removed successfully",\r\n "Invalid setting key": "Invalid setting key",\r\n "This subscription is already canceled.": "This subscription is already canceled.",\r\n "Reaction added.": "Reaction added.",\r\n "Reaction removed.": "Reaction removed.",\r\n "Database username": "Database username",\r\n "Database password": "Database password",\r\n "Uploaded videos can not longer than :length seconds.": "Uploaded videos can not longer than :length seconds.",\r\n "Warning": "Warning",\r\n "Confirmation email sent. Please check your inbox and spam folder.": "Confirmation email sent. Please check your inbox and spam folder.",\r\n "You have not confirmed your email address yet": "You have not confirmed your email address yet",\r\n "Click on": "Click on",\r\n "this link": "this link",\r\n "to resend the confirmation email": "to resend the confirmation email",\r\n "Add attachments": "Add attachments",\r\n "View": "View",\r\n "No users were found": "No users were found",\r\n ":username post": ":username post",\r\n "Get profile QR code": "Get profile QR code",\r\n "Username QR Code": "Username QR Code",\r\n "Filters": "Filters",\r\n "Gender": "Gender",\r\n "Gender pronoun": "Gender pronoun",\r\n "Male": "Male",\r\n "Female": "Female",\r\n "Couple": "Couple",\r\n "Min age": "Min age",\r\n "Max age": "Max age",\r\n "Email address successfully verified": "Email address successfully verified",\r\n "Verify your email": "Verify your email",\r\n "Verify your email address": "Verify your email address",\r\n "Verify your new device": "Verify your new device",\r\n "A fresh verification code has been sent to your email address.": "A fresh verification code has been sent to your email address.",\r\n "For security reasons, we’ve sent you a code to your email to validate your account.": "For security reasons, we’ve sent you a code to your email to validate your account.",\r\n "For security reasons, we’ve sent you a code to your email to validate your account.": "For security reasons, we’ve sent you a code to your email to validat "Resend Code": "Resend Code",\r\n "Enable email 2FA": "Enable email 2FA",\r\n "If enabled, access from new devices will be restricted until verified.": "If enabled, access from new devices will be restricted until verified.",\r\n "Your verification code is:": "Your verification code is:",\r\n "The code you entered is invalid.": "The code you entered is invalid.",\r\n "We sent you a new code over your email address.": "We sent you a new code over your email address.",\r\n "Forget device": "Forget device",\r\n "Allowed devices": "Allowed devices",\r\n "on": "on",\r\n "Created at": "Created at",\r\n "Desktop": "Desktop",\r\n "Mobile": "Mobile",\r\n "Tablet": "Tablet",\r\n "Delete device": "Delete device",\r\n "Are you sure you want to delete this device?": "Are you sure you want to delete this device?",\r\n "Device deleted.": "Device deleted.",\r\n "Paypal": "Paypal",\r\n "Stripe": "Stripe",\r\n "Coinbase": "Coinbase",\r\n "NowPayments Crypto": "NowPayments Crypto",\r\n "Manual": "Manual",\r\n "minute": "minute|minutes",\r\n "User": "User",\r\n "Length": "Length",\r\n "Watching": "Watching",\r\n "Requires a subscription": "Requires a subscription",\r\n "Access denied": "Access denied",\r\n "Got it": "Got it",\r\n "Download": "Download",\r\n "for desktop or mobile alternatives.": "for desktop or mobile alternatives.",\r\n "Go to": "Go to",\r\n "For": "For",\r\n "select": "select",\r\n "for the": "for the",\r\n "Larix for": "Larix for",\r\n "or": "or",\r\n "use the values below.": "use the values below.",\r\n "use the following value": "use the following value",\r\n "Link copied to clipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",\r\n "There are no messages yet.": "There are no messages yet.",\r\n "Please confirm your ID first.": "Please confirm your ID first.",\r\n "Expiring subscriptions": "Expiring subscriptions",\r\n "Hello, :subscriberName": "Hello, :subscriberName",\r\n "Your subscription to :creatorName is about to expire in the next 24 hours. Please top up your credit in order to keep your subscription going.": "Your subscription to :creatorName is about to expire in the next 24 hours. Please top up your credit in order to keep your subscription going.",\r\n "Your subscription to :creatorName is about to expire in the next 24 hours. Please top up your credit in order to keep your subscription going.": "Your subs "Add payment details": "Add payment details",\r\n "Please attach clear photos with one of the following: check, money order or bank transfer.": "Please attach clear photos with one of the following: check, money order or bank transfer.",\r\n "Please attach clear photos with one of the following: check, money order or bank transfer.": "Please attach clear photos with one of the following: check, "Your payment has been successfully initiated but needs to await processing": "Your payment has been successfully initiated but needs to await processing",\r\n "Your payment has been successfully initiated but needs to await processing": "Your payment has been successfully initiated but needs to await processing",\ "Please upload at least one file": "Please upload at least one file",\r\n "have been credited to your account.": "have been credited to your account.",\r\n "Once confirmed, your credit will be available, and you will be notified via email.": "Once confirmed, your credit will be available, and you will be notified via email.",\r\n "Once confirmed, your credit will be available, and you will be notified via email.": "Once confirmed, your credit will be available, and you will be notifi "IBAN": "IBAN",\r\n "BIC/SWIFT": "BIC/SWIFT",\r\n "Bank name": "Bank name",\r\n "Account owner": "Account owner",\r\n "Account number": "Account number",\r\n "Routing number": "Routing number",\r\n "Member added to list.": "Member added to list.",\r\n "The field is required.": "The field is required.",\r\n "Enter only if you are over 18": "Enter only if you are over 18",\r\n "The website contains content of adult nature and is only available to adults. If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries), if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction or if it offends you, please do not continue.": "The website contains content of adult nature and is only available to adults. If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries), if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction or if it offends you, please do not continue.",\r\n "The website contains content of adult nature and is only available to adults. If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries), if it is illegal to "Yes": "Yes",\r\n "No": "No",\r\n "You can read more about our": "You can read more about our",\r\n "terms of usage": "terms of usage",\r\n "over this page": "over this page",\r\n "You already paid access for this message": "You already paid access for this message",\r\n "Unlock message": "Unlock message",\r\n "Unlock message for": "Unlock message for",\r\n "post": "post",\r\n "Latest media not available.": "Latest media not available.",\r\n "Having your profile set to private means:": "Having your profile set to private means:",\r\n "It will be hidden for search engines and unregistered users entirely.": "It will be hidden for search engines and unregistered users entirely.",\r\n "It will also be generally hidden from suggestions and user searches on our platform.": "It will also be generally hidden from suggestions and user searches on our platform.",\r\n "It will also be generally hidden from suggestions and user searches on our platform.": "It will also be generally hidden from suggestions and user searches "Payment method": "Payment method",\r\n "Note: After clicking on the button, you will be directed to a secure gateway for payment. After completing the payment process, you will be redirected back to the website.": "Note: After clicking on the button, you will be directed to a secure gateway for payment. After completing the payment process, you will be redirected back to the website.",\r\n "Note: After clicking on the button, you will be directed to a secure gateway for payment. After completing the payment process, you will be redirected back "Billing agreement details": "Billing agreement details",\r\n "Add user to list": "Add user to list",\r\n "Choose the list you want to add the user to": "Choose the list you want to add the user to",\r\n "Follow": "Follow",\r\n "Add list": "Add list",\r\n "Withdraw": "Withdraw",\r\n "Prices & Bundles": "Prices & Bundles",\r\n "Your email notifications settings": "Your email notifications settings",\r\n "Follow this creator": "Follow this creator",\r\n "The selected username is invalid.": "The selected username is invalid.",\r\n "Paid profile": "Paid profile",\r\n "Hello!": "Hello!",\r\n "Regards": "Regards",\r\n "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.",\r\n "Verify Email Address": "Verify Email Address",\r\n "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "Please click the button below to verify your email address.",\r\n "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.",\r\n "If you’re having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser:": "If you’re having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser:",\r\n "If you’re having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser:": "If you’re having trouble clicking the "Something went wrong when canceling this subscription": "Something went wrong when canceling this subscription",\r\n "Enable Geo-blocking": "Enable Geo-blocking",\r\n "If enabled, visitors from certain countries will be restricted access.": "If enabled, visitors from certain countries will be restricted access.",\r\n "Open profile": "Open profile",\r\n "Having your profile set to open means:": "Having your profile set to open means:",\r\n "Both registered and unregistered users will be able to see your posts.": "Both registered and unregistered users will be able to see your posts.",\r\n "If the account is private, the content will only be available for registered users.": "If the account is private, the content will only be available for registered users.",\r\n "If the account is private, the content will only be available for registered users.": "If the account is private, the content will only be available for re "Paid posts will still be locked for open profiles.": "Paid posts will still be locked for open profiles.",\r\n "A :feeAmount% fee will be applied.": "A :feeAmount% fee will be applied.",\r\n "Cannot subscribe to yourself.": "Cannot subscribe to yourself.",\r\n "Cannot pay to yourself.": "Cannot pay to yourself.",\r\n "Profile access is denied.": "Profile access is denied.",\r\n "This content is not available for you at the moment.": "This content is not available for you at the moment.",\r\n "Locked message": "Locked message",\r\n "Unlock for": "Unlock for",\r\n "Set message price": "Set message price",\r\n "Paid messages are locked for subscribers as well. Text is not locked, only media.": "Paid messages are locked for subscribers as well. Text is not locked, only media.",\r\n "Paid messages are locked for subscribers as well. Text is not locked, only media.": "Paid messages are locked for subscribers as well. Text is not locked, "Locked posts must contain at least one attachment.": "Locked posts must contain at least one attachment.",\r\n "There are no referrals to show.": "There are no referrals to show.",\r\n "Copied!": "Copied!",\r\n "Copy to Clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",\r\n "Copy your referral link and invite other people to get a fee from their earnings.": "Copy your referral link and invite other people to get a fee from their earnings.",\r\n "Copy your referral link and invite other people to get a fee from their earnings.": "Copy your referral link and invite other people to get a fee from thei "Invite other people to earn more": "Invite other people to earn more",\r\n "Since": "Since",\r\n "Your referral list": "Your referral list",\r\n "Earned": "Earned",\r\n "The bio may not be greater than :chars characters.": "The bio may not be greater than :chars characters.",\r\n "You": "You",\r\n "To...": "To...",\r\n "Your message": "Your message",\r\n "One month subscription": "One month subscription",\r\n "Message (Optional)": "Message (Optional)",\r\n "Check": "Check",\r\n "Something went wrong, please try again": "Something went wrong, please try again",\r\n "Monthly subscription": "Monthly subscription",\r\n "Street address, city, state, postcode": "Street address, city, state, postcode",\r\n "This field is required.": "This field is required.",\r\n "Billing address": "Billing address",\r\n "Member removed from list.": "Member removed from list.",\r\n "An internal error has occurred.": "An internal error has occurred.",\r\n "month": "month",\r\n "1 month": "1 month",\r\n "3 months": "3 months",\r\n "6 months": "6 months",\r\n "12 months": "12 months",\r\n "Block user": "Block user",\r\n "Are you sure you want to block this user? Your posts will be mutually hidden, and chats disabled.": "Are you sure you want to block this user? Your posts will be mutually hidden, and chats disabled.",\r\n "Are you sure you want to block this user? Your posts will be mutually hidden, and chats disabled.": "Are you sure you want to block this user? Your posts w "Are you sure you want to unfollow this user? His posts will be hidden from your feed.": "Are you sure you want to unfollow this user? His posts will be hidden from your feed.",\r\n "Are you sure you want to unfollow this user? His posts will be hidden from your feed.": "Are you sure you want to unfollow this user? His posts will be hid "You can follow back anytime later from the lists module.": "You can follow back anytime later from the lists module.",\r\n "Unfollow user": "Unfollow user",\r\n "Payment failed.": "Payment failed.",\r\n "Reply": "Reply",\r\n "Rates": "Rates",\r\n "Load previous posts": "Load previous posts",\r\n "Send": "Send",\r\n "Clear draft": "Clear draft",\r\n "Go to profile": "Go to profile",\r\n "Are you sure you want to remove this member out of the list?": "Are you sure you want to remove this member out of the list?",\r\n "Page Not found": "Page Not found",\r\n "The page your looking for is not available.": "The page your looking for is not available.",\r\n "Share": "Share",\r\n "Toggle fullscreen": "Toggle fullscreen",\r\n "Zoom in/out": "Zoom in/out",\r\n "Previous (arrow left)": "Previous (arrow left)",\r\n "Next (arrow right)": "Next (arrow right)",\r\n "Reason": "Reason",\r\n "Details": "Details",\r\n "Approved": "Approved",\r\n "Close (Esc)": "Close (Esc)",\r\n "Offers/Bundles ?": "Offers/Bundles ?",\r\n "Couldn't find this withdrawal": "Couldn't find this withdrawal",\r\n "Successfully approved withdrawal": "Successfully approved withdrawal",\r\n "Block": "Block",\r\n "Database connection": "Database connection",\r\n "You don't have enough money to pay with credit for this transaction. Please try with another payment method": "You don't have enough money to pay with credit for this transaction. Please try with another payment method",\r\n "You don't have enough money to pay with credit for this transaction. Please try with another payment method": "You don't have enough money to pay with cred "Something went wrong with this transaction. Please try again": "Something went wrong with this transaction. Please try again",\r\n "You can now access this user profile.": "You can now access this user profile.",\r\n "Failed generating stripe session": "Failed generating stripe session",\r\n "Canceled": "Canceled",\r\n ":subscriptionInterval subscription to access :username profile": ":subscriptionInterval subscription to access :username profile",\r\n "Payment succeeded": "Payment succeeded",\r\n \r\n "You already unlocked this post.": "You already unlocked this post.",\r\n "You already have an active subscription for this user.": "You already have an active subscription for this user.",\r\n "You successfully unlocked this post.": "You successfully unlocked this post.",\r\n "You don't have enough credit to withdraw. Minimum amount is: ": "You don't have enough credit to withdraw. Minimum amount is: ",\r\n "You cannot withdraw this amount, try with a lower one": "You cannot withdraw this amount, try with a lower one",\r\n "Add all required info": "Add all required info",\r\n "'You got a new tip!'": "'You got a new tip!'",\r\n "You only have :approved approved posts.": "You only have :approved approved post.|You only have :approved approved posts.",\r\n "Your next :tbapproved posts will have to admin approved.": "Your next :tbapproved post will have to admin approved.|Your next :tbapproved posts will have to admin approved.",\r\n "Your next :tbapproved posts will have to admin approved.": "Your next :tbapproved post will have to admin approved.|Your next :tbapproved posts will have t "Post status updated": "Post status updated",\r\n "Your post has been :status.": "Your post has been :status.",\r\n "View post": "View post",\r\n "This creator cannot earn money yet": "This creator cannot earn money yet",\r\n "You reached the minimum limit of posts": "You reached the minimum limit of posts",\r\n "Last updated": "Last updated",\r\n "The post has been bought and can not be deleted.": "The post has been bought and can not be deleted.",\r\n "The message has been bought and can not be deleted.": "The message has been bought and can not be deleted.",\r\n "Your previous verification attempt was rejected for the following reason:": "Your previous verification attempt was rejected for the following reason:",\r\n "Your previous verification attempt was rejected for the following reason:": "Your previous verification attempt was rejected for the following reason:",\r\ "The price must be between :min and :max.": "The price must be between :min and :max.",\r\n "This website uses cookies to improve your experience.": "This website uses cookies to improve your experience.",\r\n "Got it!": "Got it!",\r\n "Learn more": "Learn more",\r\n "Add files": "Add files",\r\n "Expires at": "Expires at",\r\n "Delete comment": "Delete comment",\r\n "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",\r\n "Delete message": "Delete message",\r\n "Are you sure you want to delete this message?": "Are you sure you want to delete this message?",\r\n "Sign in with": "Sign in with",\r\n "Files": "Files",\r\n "Notify users": "Notify users",\r\n "Notify": "Notify",\r\n "If enabled, your followers will receive an email notification.": "If enabled, your followers will receive an email notification.",\r\n "New content has been posted": "New content has been posted",\r\n "New content from @:username": "New content from @:username",\r\n "New content from people you follow is available": "New content from people you follow is available",\r\n "View your feed": "View your feed",\r\n "Email address in undeliverable": "Email address in undeliverable",\r\n "Write me a short profile bio description": "Write me a short profile bio description",\r\n "Write me a short post description to post on my profile": "Write me a short post description to post on my profile",\r\n "Suggest a description": "Suggest a description",\r\n "Use AI to generate your description.": "Use AI to generate your description.",\r\n "Suggest": "Suggest",\r\n "Suggestion": "Suggestion",\r\n "Add a few words about what your suggestion should be about": "Add a few words about what your suggestion should be about",\r\n "You can use the wallet deposit page to add credit.": "You can use the wallet deposit page to add credit.",\r\n \r\n "Accueil": "Home",\r\n "Explorer": "Explore",\r\n "Listes": "Lists",\r\n "Mes abonnements": "My subscriptions",\r\n "Mon profil": "My profile",\r\n "Paramètres": "Settings",\r\n "Plus": "More",\r\n "Publier": "Create post",\r\n "Toutes" : "All",\r\n "Se désabonner" : "Unsubscribe",\r\n "Explorer par pseudo , hashtag ou autres … " : "Explore by name, hashtag, nickname, other" ,\r\n "Bloquer": "Block",\r\n "Signaler": "Report",\r\n "Modifier": "Edit",\r\n "Profil de": "Profile of",\r\n "Aucune notification pour le moment": "No notifications at the moment",\r\n "Mes listes": "My lists",\r\n "Gérer tous vos abonnements actifs et annulés sur Afrifan": "Manage all your active and canceled subscriptions on Fanrhythm",\r\n "Vous pouvez facilement consulter, modifier ou annuler vos abonnements en quelques clics. Avoir un contrôle total sur vos abonnements vous assure une expérience utilisateur personnalisée et confortable.": "You can easily review, edit, or cancel your subscriptions with a few clicks. Having full control over your subscriptions ensures a personalized and comfortable user experience.",\r\n "Vous pouvez facilement consulter, modifier ou annuler vos abonnements en quelques clics. Avoir un contrôle total sur vos abonnements vous assure une expéri "Programme de Parrainage": "Referral Program",\r\n "Envoyer un message": "Send a message",\r\n "Destinataire": "Recipient",\r\n "Selectionnez un destinataire": "Select a recipient",\r\n "Votre message": "Your message",\r\n "Ex: Bonjour, je souhaite ...":"Ex: Hello, I would like...",\r\n "Envoyer mon message": "Send my message",\r\n "a envoyé un message": "sent a message",\r\n "Partagez votre lien de parrainage et invitez d'autres personnes à rejoindre notre plateforme. Grâce à notre programme de parrainage, vous bénéficierez d'une commission sur leurs gains. C'est une excellente occasion de gagner tout en aidant notre communauté à grandir !": "Share your referral link and invite others to join our platform. Thanks to our referral program, you will benefit from a commission on their earnings. It's a great opportunity to earn while helping our community grow!",\r\n "Partagez votre lien de parrainage et invitez d'autres personnes à rejoindre notre plateforme. Grâce à notre programme de parrainage, vous bénéficierez d'un "Devenir créateur sur Afrifan": "Become a creator on Fanrhythm",\r\n "Vérification et documents d'identification obligatoires pour publication. Seuls les comptes activés peuvent publier. Garantie de sécurité et d'intégrité communautaire.": "Verification and mandatory identification documents for publishing. Only activated accounts can post. Community safety and integrity guarantee.",\r\n "Vérification et documents d'identification obligatoires pour publication. Seuls les comptes activés peuvent publier. Garantie de sécurité et d'intégrité co "Vérifier": "Verify",\r\n "Actualiser la page": "Refresh the page",\r\n "Passeport": "Passport",\r\n "Nous tenons à vous informer que toutes les informations sensibles que nous avons recueillies lors du processus de vérification, telles que les détails du passeport, de la CIN ou autres, ont été supprimées de nos serveurs après la vérification.": "We would like to inform you that all the sensitive information we have collected during the verification process, such as passport details, ID card details, and others, have been deleted from our servers after verification.",\r\n "Nous tenons à vous informer que toutes les informations sensibles que nous avons recueillies lors du processus de vérification, telles que les détails du p "Compte vérifié": "Verified account", \r\n "Votre compte a été vérifié": "Your account has been verified",\r\n "Félicitations! Votre compte a été vérifié avec succès. Vous pouvez maintenant profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de notre plateforme.": "Congratulations! Your account has been successfully verified. You can now enjoy all the features of our platform.",\r\n "Félicitations! Votre compte a été vérifié avec succès. Vous pouvez maintenant profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de notre plateforme.": "Congratulation "Publier maintenant": "Publish now", \r\n "Publier ": "Publish",\r\n "Terminé": "Completed",\r\n "Non-vérifié": "Not verified",\r\n "Confirmation e-mail": "Email confirmation",\r\n "Vérifiez votre identité": "Verify your identity",\r\n "La vérification de l'identité se compose de quelques étapes simples et ne devrait pas prendre plus d'une minute ou deux. Ne vous inquiétez pas, toutes vos données sont en sécurité.": "Identity verification consists of a few simple steps and should not take more than a minute or two. Don't worry, all your data is safe.",\r\n "La vérification de l'identité se compose de quelques étapes simples et ne devrait pas prendre plus d'une minute ou deux. Ne vous inquiétez pas, toutes vos "Statut de votre compte :": "Status of your account:",\r\n "Passeport / CIN + Selfie avec CIN": "Passport / ID card + Selfie with ID",\r\n "En cours": "In progress",\r\n "Votre liste de parrainages": "Your referral list",\r\n "Il n'y a aucun parrainage pour le moment.": "There are no referrals at the moment.",\r\n "Devenir créateur": "Become a creator",\r\n "Aide et support": "Help and support",\r\n "Se déconnecter": "Log out",\r\n "Joindre des documents": "Attach documents", \r\n "Envoyer" : "Send" ,\r\n "Consulter l'historique de toutes vos transactions effectuées sur Fanrhythm.": "View the history of all your transactions made on Fanrhythm.",\r\n "Cela inclut vos abonnements, achats de contenu, pourboires et autres activités financières. C'est un moyen facile et transparent de suivre vos dépenses et vos revenus sur la plateforme.":"This includes your subscriptions, content purchases, tipping, and other financial activities. It's an easy and transparent way to track your spending and income on the platform.", \r\n "Cela inclut vos abonnements, achats de contenu, pourboires et autres activités financières. C'est un moyen facile et transparent de suivre vos dépenses et "Pour le moment , il n'y a aucun paiement associé à ce compte.": "At the moment, there are no payments associated with this account.",\r\n "Vérification de compte": "Account Verification",\r\n "Suivez ces instructions pour vérifier votre compte :": "Follow these instructions to verify your account:",\r\n "1- Document d'identité": "1- Identity Document",\r\n "Disposez de votre passeport ou carte d'identité valide.": "Have your valid passport or ID card ready.",\r\n "2 - Photo du document": "2 - Document Photo",\r\n "Prenez une photo claire de votre document d'identité, en vous assurant que toutes les informations sont lisibles.": "Take a clear photo of your ID, ensuring all information is readable.",\r\n "Prenez une photo claire de votre document d'identité, en vous assurant que toutes les informations sont lisibles.": "Take a clear photo of your ID, ensurin "3 - Selfie avec le document": "3 - Selfie with the Document",\r\n "Prenez un selfie en tenant votre document d'identité à côté de votre visage, les deux doivent être clairement visibles.": "Take a selfie holding your ID next to your face, both should be clearly visible.",\r\n "Prenez un selfie en tenant votre document d'identité à côté de votre visage, les deux doivent être clairement visibles.": "Take a selfie holding your ID ne "Après l'envoi, la validation de votre compte de créateur est en cours. Le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 48h (horaires ouvrés). Merci de votre patience.": "After submission, your creator account verification is underway. The process can take up to 48 hours (business hours). Thank you for your patience.",\r\n "Après l'envoi, la validation de votre compte de créateur est en cours. Le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 48h (horaires ouvrés). Merci de votre patience.": "L'équipe Afrifan vous remercie pour votre coopération. En cas de besoin, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.": "The Fanrhythm team thanks you for your cooperation. If needed, don't hesitate to contact us.",\r\n "L'équipe Afrifan vous remercie pour votre coopération. En cas de besoin, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.": "The Fanrhythm team thanks you for your cooperat "La vérification de votre compte prendra jusqu'à 72 heures. En attendant, commencez à poster sur votre compte afin que vos abonnés puissent accéder à vos contenus dès la vérification de votre compte.": "The verification of your account will take up to 72 hours. In the meantime, start posting on your account so that your followers can access your content as soon as your account is verified.",\r\n "La vérification de votre compte prendra jusqu'à 72 heures. En attendant, commencez à poster sur votre compte afin que vos abonnés puissent accéder à vos co "Afrifan vous remercie.": "Fanrhythm thanks you." , \r\n "Fil d'actualité": "Feed",\r\n "Votre demande n'a pas été approuvée pour les raisons suivantes :": "Your request has not been approved for the following reasons:",\r\n "1 - Carte d'identité :": "1 - Identity Card:",\r\n "- Ne correspond pas aux photos du profil.": "- Does not match the profile photos.",\r\n "Rejoins comme beaucoup de créateurs de contenus sur notre plateforme, partage ta passion auprès de ta communauté et sois rémunéré pour ton travail": "Join like many content creators on our platform, share your passion with your community and get paid for your work",\r\n "Rejoins comme beaucoup de créateurs de contenus sur notre plateforme, partage ta passion auprès de ta communauté et sois rémunéré pour ton travail": "Join "- Illisible ou partiellement illisible.": "- Illegible or partially illegible.",\r\n "2 - Selfie :": "2 - Selfie:",\r\n "- Mauvaise qualité.": "- Poor quality.",\r\n "- Visage caché ou coupé.": "- Face hidden or cut off.",\r\n "3 - Compte :": "3 - Account:",\r\n "- Double compte détecté, ce qui est refusé sur notre plateforme.": "- Duplicate account detected, which is not allowed on our platform.",\r\n "Veuillez prendre en compte ces observations, ajuster vos contenus en conséquence, et soumettre à nouveau votre demande.": "Please take these observations into account, adjust your content accordingly, and resubmit your request.",\r\n "Veuillez prendre en compte ces observations, ajuster vos contenus en conséquence, et soumettre à nouveau votre demande.": "Please take these observations i "Afrifan vous remercie de votre compréhension et de votre effort pour maintenir la qualité de notre plateforme.": "Fanrhythm thanks you for your understanding and your effort to maintain the quality of our platform.",\r\n "Afrifan vous remercie de votre compréhension et de votre effort pour maintenir la qualité de notre plateforme.": "Fanrhythm thanks you for your understandi "Vidéos" : "Videos",\r\n "Un nouvel abonnement a été souscrit": "A new subscription has been made",\r\n "Un pourboire a été reçu": "A tip has been received",\r\n "Un nouveau message est arrivé": "A new message has arrived",\r\n "Un nouveau commentaire a été laissé": "A new comment has been left",\r\n "Abonnements arrivant à échéance": "Subscriptions expiring soon",\r\n "Renouvellements à venir": "Upcoming renewals",\r\n "Paramètres de notification" : "Notifications",\r\n "Gérez ici comment et quand vous recevez des notifications de Afrifan, en activant ou désactivant les types de notifications selon vos préférences.": "Manage here how and when you receive notifications from Fanrhythm, by enabling or disabling types of notifications according to your preferences.",\r\n "Gérez ici comment et quand vous recevez des notifications de Afrifan, en activant ou désactivant les types de notifications selon vos préférences.": "Manag "Protégez votre compte en choisissant un mot de passe sécurisé d'au moins 12 caractères, avec une combinaison de lettres, de chiffres et de caractères spéciaux. Changez régulièrement votre mot de passe pour renforcer la sécurité de votre compte.": "Protect your account by choosing a secure password of at least 12 characters, with a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Regularly change your password to enhance the security of your account.",\r\n "Protégez votre compte en choisissant un mot de passe sécurisé d'au moins 12 caractères, avec une combinaison de lettres, de chiffres et de caractères spéci "Enregistrer les modifications" : "Save now",\r\n "En effectuant votre paiement, vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance et accepté les conditions générales de vente. Nous vous encourageons à lire attentivement les termes et conditions avant de procéder au paiement.": "By making your payment, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the general terms and conditions. We encourage you to read the terms and conditions carefully before proceeding with the payment.",\r\n "En effectuant votre paiement, vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance et accepté les conditions générales de vente. Nous vous encourageons à lire attenti "Mode de paiements" : "Pay with",\r\n "pay_2": "When making your payment request, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the general terms and conditions of sale. Please note that your withdrawal request will be subject to prior verification and approval. By making your withdrawal request, you acknowledge having read and accepted the general terms and conditions of use. Processing your withdrawal request may take up to 72 hours or more, depending on your payment method. We thank you for your patience and understanding.",\r\n "pay_2": "When making your payment request, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the general terms and conditions of sale. Please note that your "Saisissez le montant de votre dépôt": "Enter the amount of your deposit.",\r\n "Montant": "Amount",\r\n "Ajouter une note" : "Note",\r\n "Envoyer ma demande" : "Send now",\r\n "Envoyer mes gains par" : "Send by",\r\n "Solde disponible" : "Available",\r\n "Activer les abonnements": "Activate subscriptions",\r\n "Uniquement pour les comptes validés": "Only for validated accounts",\r\n "Paramétrage des Prix des Abonnements par Mois": "Setting the Monthly Subscription Prices",\r\n "Lorsque vous définissez le prix des abonnements, veillez à insérer le montant mensuel, et non le montant total pour la durée de l'abonnement. Ceci vous aidera à créer des remises pour des abonnements plus longue durée. Voici un guide pour vous aider :": "When you set the subscription price, make sure to insert the monthly amount, not the total amount for the subscription duration. This will help you create discounts for longer subscriptions. Here is a guide to help you:",\r\n "Lorsque vous définissez le prix des abonnements, veillez à insérer le montant mensuel, et non le montant total pour la durée de l'abonnement. Ceci vous aid "- Pour un abonnement de 1 mois : Insérez 3000 (ceci est le prix pour un mois).": "For a 1-month subscription: Insert 10 (this is the price for one month).",\r\n "- Pour un abonnement de 1 mois : Insérez 3000 (ceci est le prix pour un mois).": "For a 1-month subscription: Insert 10 (this is the price for one month)." "- Pour un abonnement de 3 mois : Insérez 2700 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 3, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 3-month subscription: Insert 9 (this is the price for one month). Do not multiply by 3, the system will do it automatically.",\r\n "- Pour un abonnement de 3 mois : Insérez 2700 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 3, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 3-mont "- Pour un abonnement de 6 mois : Insérez 2500 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 6, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 6-month subscription: Insert 8 (this is the price for one month). Do not multiply by 6, the system will do it automatically.",\r\n "- Pour un abonnement de 6 mois : Insérez 2500 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 6, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 6-mont "- Pour un abonnement de 12 mois : Insérez 2000 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 12, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 12-month subscription: Insert 7 (this is the price for one month). Do not multiply by 12, the system will do it automatically.",\r\n "- Pour un abonnement de 12 mois : Insérez 2000 (ceci est le prix pour un mois). Ne multipliez pas par 12, le système le fera automatiquement.": "For a 12-m "Date limite": "Limit date",\r\n "Date limite :" : "Limit date :",\r\n "Passeport + selfie avec passeport": "Passport + selfie with passport",\r\n "Veuillez faire ces changements avant la date limite pour garantir que vos abonnements sont correctement paramétrés.": "Please make these changes before the deadline to ensure your subscriptions are properly set.",\r\n "Veuillez faire ces changements avant la date limite pour garantir que vos abonnements sont correctement paramétrés.": "Please make these changes before the "1 mois": "1 month",\r\n "3 mois": "3 months",\r\n "6 mois": "6 months",\r\n "Nous acceptons les paiements par": "We accept payments by",\r\n "Téléphone : ": "Phone : ",\r\n "Votre messagerie est vide": "Your inbox is empty",\r\n "Découvrez les créateurs et commencez à leur envoyer des messages !": "Discover the creators and start messaging them!",\r\n "Découvrir les créateurs": "Discover the creators",\r\n "12 mois": "12 months",\r\n "Activer la date de fin. Pour commencer une promotion, réduisez vos tarifs mensuels et sélectionnez une date de fin de promotion future.": "Activate the end date. To start a promotion, reduce your monthly rates and select a future promotion end date",\r\n "Activer la date de fin. Pour commencer une promotion, réduisez vos tarifs mensuels et sélectionnez une date de fin de promotion future.": "Activate the end "Gestions des abonnements": "Subscription",\r\n "Profil ouvert": "Open profile",\r\n "Si votre profil est configuré en mode ouvert :": "If your profile is set in open mode:",\r\n "Tous les utilisateurs, inscrits ou non, pourront consulter vos publications.": "All users, registered or not, will be able to view your posts.",\r\n "Si le compte est privé, seuls les utilisateurs inscrits pourront accéder au contenu.": "If the account is private, only registered users will have access to the content.",\r\n "Si le compte est privé, seuls les utilisateurs inscrits pourront accéder au contenu.": "If the account is private, only registered users will have access t "Les publications payantes demeureront verrouillées même pour les profils ouverts.": "Paid publications will remain locked even for open profiles.",\r\n "Afrifan vous permet de contrôler la visibilité de votre profil et offre des options de sécurité supplémentaires, comme l'authentification à deux facteurs par e-mail.": "Fanrhythm allows you to control the visibility of your profile and offers additional security options, such as two-factor authentication by email.",\r\n "Afrifan vous permet de contrôler la visibilité de votre profil et offre des options de sécurité supplémentaires, comme l'authentification à deux facteurs p "Compte public": "Public account",\r\n "Si votre profil est configuré en mode privé :": "If your profile is set to private mode:",\r\n "Il sera entièrement invisible pour les moteurs de recherche et les utilisateurs non inscrits.": "It will be completely invisible to search engines and unregistered users.",\r\n "Il sera entièrement invisible pour les moteurs de recherche et les utilisateurs non inscrits.": "It will be completely invisible to search engines and unre "Il sera généralement absent des suggestions et des recherches d'utilisateurs sur notre plateforme.": "It will generally be absent from suggestions and user searches on our platform.",\r\n "Il sera généralement absent des suggestions et des recherches d'utilisateurs sur notre plateforme.": "It will generally be absent from suggestions and user "Vérification de votre compte" : "Verify account",\r\n "Paramètres de confidentialité": "Privacy Settings",\r\n "Affiliations": "Referral",\r\n "Copier": "Copy",\r\n "Agence": "Agency",\r\n "Gerer les abonnements": "Manage Subscriptions",\r\n "Historique des transactions": "Transaction History",\r\n "Modifier mon profil": "Edit My Profile",\r\n "Il n'y a actuellement aucun abonnement actif ou annulé.": "There are currently no active or canceled subscriptions.",\r\n "Gérer tous vos abonnements actifs et annulés sur Afrifan.": "Manage all your active and canceled subscriptions on Fanrhythm.",\r\n "Bienvenue sur": "Welcome to",\r\n "Cher utilisateur, En naviguant sur notre plateforme, vous acceptez nos conditions générales d'utilisation et notre politique de confidentialité. Ces documents ont été mis en place pour assurer une expérience sécurisée et respectueuse pour tous nos utilisateurs.": "Dear user, By browsing our platform, you agree to our general terms of use and our privacy policy. These documents have been put in place to ensure a safe and respectful experience for all our users.",\r\n "Cher utilisateur, En naviguant sur notre plateforme, vous acceptez nos conditions générales d'utilisation et notre politique de confidentialité. Ces docume "D'accord, j'ai compris": "Okay, I understand",\r\n "Avertissement": "Warning",\r\n "Ce site est un réseau social exclusif de partage de contenus. Pour continuer, vous devez avoir 18 ans et plus, et respecter la loi de votre pays concernant la consommation de contenus en ligne et les directives relatives à l'âge. En naviguant sur ce site, vous attestez respecter ces critères et vous conformer à nos conditions d'utilisation.": "This site is an exclusive social network for content sharing. To continue, you must be 18 years and older, and comply with the laws of your country regarding online content consumption and age-related guidelines. By browsing this site, you attest to meeting these criteria and complying with our terms of use.",\r\n "Ce site est un réseau social exclusif de partage de contenus. Pour continuer, vous devez avoir 18 ans et plus, et respecter la loi de votre pays concernant "Nous utilisons des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience sur notre site. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies.": "We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. By continuing to browse, you agree to the use of cookies.",\r\n "Nous utilisons des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience sur notre site. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies.": "We u "Accepter": "Accept",\r\n "Sortir de ce site": "Exit this site",\r\n "Sectext" : "For security reasons, each transaction must be manually validated which can take from 24 to 48 hours maximum. If this period is exceeded, please send us a detailed request via support.",\r\n "Sectext" : "For security reasons, each transaction must be manually validated which can take from 24 to 48 hours maximum. If this period is exceeded, pleas "Inscris-toi avant la fin du mois et obtiens 85% des gains le premier mois": "Sign up before the end of the month and get 85% of the earning in the first month",\r\n "Inscris-toi avant la fin du mois et obtiens 85% des gains le premier mois": "Sign up before the end of the month and get 85% of the earning in the first mo "Le fichier que vous avez sélectionné ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être téléchargé": "The file you selected does not meet our moderation standards and cannot be uploaded.",\r\n "Le fichier que vous avez sélectionné ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être téléchargé": "The file you selected does not meet our mod "invalide": "invalid",\r\n "Ce post ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être publié": "This post does not meet our moderation standards and cannot be published",\r\n "Ce post ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être publié": "This post does not meet our moderation standards and cannot be published",\r "En attent de validation contenue média": "Waiting for media content validation",\r\n "Wallet et paiement" : "Wallet and payment",\r\n "Nom de la carte" : "Card name",\r\n "Informations sur la carte de crédit" : "Credit card info",\r\n "Numero de la carte" : "Card number",\r\n "Date d'expiration" : "Expiration date",\r\n "Prénom" : "Last name",\r\n "Code postal" : "Postal code",\r\n "Ville" : "City",\r\n "Pays" : "Country",\r\n "Telephone" : "Phone",\r\n "Adresse" : "Address",\r\n "Adresse complète" : "Full Address",\r\n "Activé(e)" : "Used card",\r\n "Desactivé(e)" : "Disabled",\r\n "Activée cette carte" : "Activate this card",\r\n "Carte activée" : "Card activated",\r\n "cart est activée" : " card is activée",\r\n "Erreur" : "Error",\r\n "Liste des cartes" : "List of cards",\r\n "Ajouter une carte" : "Add card",\r\n "Votre depot de portefeuille se fait avec cette carte" : "Your wallet deposit is made with this card",\r\n "Activée pour les dépôts de crédit. Vous pouvez effectuer des dépôts sur cette carte à partir de maintenant." : "Enabled for credit deposits. You can make deposits to this card from now on.",\r\n "Activée pour les dépôts de crédit. Vous pouvez effectuer des dépôts sur cette carte à partir de maintenant." : "Enabled for credit deposits. You can make d "Titre du live et durée du live" : "Live title and duration of the live",\r\n "Définir le prix" : "Set live price",\r\n "Photo de couverture" : "Live Cover",\r\n "Démarrer un nouveau live" : "Start a new stream",\r\n "les conditions d'utilisation" : "the conditions of use",\r\n "C'est un faux compte" : "It's a fake account",\r\n "Je n'aime pas cette publication" : "I don't like this post",\r\n "Le contenu contient du matériel volé" : "Content contains stolen material",\r\n "Le contenu est du spam" : "Content is spam",\r\n "Signaler un abus" : "Report abuse",\r\n "Envoyer à" : "Send to",\r\n \r\n "Saisissez le montant" : "Enter the amount",\r\n "Séléctionnez votre mode de paiement ci-dessous" : "Select your payment method",\r\n "En devenant créateur, vous serez soumis aux règles qui s'appliquent à « l'utilisateur créatif » selon les termes et conditions de ce site Web." : "By becoming a creator, you will be subject to the rules that apply to the “Creative User” under the Terms and conditions of this website.",\r\n "En devenant créateur, vous serez soumis aux règles qui s'appliquent à « l'utilisateur créatif » selon les termes et conditions de ce site Web." : "By becom "Veuillez noter que les conditions et accords de services de la plateforme Fanrhythm ainsi que les directives de la communauté Fanrhytm sont tous deux des accords juridiques contraignants entre vous et A.M. Hébergement Cloud Services Limited." : "Please note, that Fanrhythm Platform Terms and Services Agreement as well as Fanrhytm Community Guidelines are both binding legal agreements between you and A.M. Hosting Cloud Services Limited.",\r\n "Veuillez noter que les conditions et accords de services de la plateforme Fanrhythm ainsi que les directives de la communauté Fanrhytm sont tous deux des a "Ce site Internet est un réseau social exclusif de partage de contenus. Pour continuer, vous devez avoir 18 ans ou plus et respecter la loi de votre pays concernant la consommation de contenu en ligne et les directives en matière d'âge. En naviguant sur ce site, vous attestez répondre à ces critères et accepter nos conditions d'utilisation." : "This website is an exclusive social network for content sharing. To proceed, you must be 18 years old or older and comply with your country's law regarding online content consumption and age guidelines. By browsing this site, you attest to meeting these criteria and agreeing to our terms of use.",\r\n "Ce site Internet est un réseau social exclusif de partage de contenus. Pour continuer, vous devez avoir 18 ans ou plus et respecter la loi de votre pays co "Le fichier ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être visualisé" : "The file does not meet our moderation standards and cannot be viewed",\r\n "Le fichier ne respecte pas nos normes de modération et ne peut pas être visualisé" : "The file does not meet our moderation standards and cannot be viewed "Pas de fichier (vidéo ou photo) de presentation sélectionnée" : "No file (video or photo) of presentation selected",\r\n "Les Termes et conditions": "The Terms and conditions",\r\n "En effectuant votre paiement, vous reconnaissez avoir lu et accepté" : "By making your payment, you acknowledge having read and accepted",\r\n "Nous vous encourageons à lire attentivement les termes et conditions avant de procéder au paiement." : "We encourage you to read the terms and conditions carefully before making payment.",\r\n "Nous vous encourageons à lire attentivement les termes et conditions avant de procéder au paiement." : "We encourage you to read the terms and conditions c "Le Montant est déjà déduit des frais de transaction.": "The Amount is already deducted from the transaction fees.",\r\n "image" : "Picture",\r\n "image(s)" : "picture(s)",\r\n "vidéo(s)" : "video(s)",\r\n "autre(s) fichier(s)" : "other file(s)",\r\n "duration video" : "A video duration",\r\n "ne est/sont pas permis selon notre règle de modération." : " is/are not allowed according to our moderation rule.",\r\n "L'écrit" : "The writing",\r\n "Social Exclusif": "Exclusive Social",\r\n "Réseau Social Exclusif": "Exclusive Social Network",\r\n "Réseau": "Network",\r\n "Nous connectons les créateurs de contenus du monde et les fans": "We connect Content Creators of the world and Fans",\r\n "Email ou mot de passe est incorrect" : "Email or password is incorrect",\r\n "Lien de parrainage user" : "User referral link",\r\n "Lien de parrainage créateur de contenus" : "Content creator sponsorship link" ,\r\n "Copier le lien de mon profil" : "Copy my profile link",\r\n "Copier le lien de profil : " : "Copy profile link : ",\r\n "Copier le lien de profil" : "Copy profile link",\r\n "Message de bienvenue automatique pour tous vos nouveaux abonnés":"Automatic Welcome message for all your new subscribers",\r\n "Obtenez 35 % des gains de Fanrhythm" : "Get 35% of Fanrhythm's earnings",\r\n "Obtenez 15 % des gains de Fanrhythm" : "Get 15% of Fanrhythm's earnings",\r\n "Bonjour! Merci pour ton abonnement." : "Good morning! Thank you for your subscription.",\r\n "Abonnez-vous à moi" : "Subscribe to me",\r\n "Post créé avec succès" : "Post created successfully",\r\n "Non autorisé" : "Unauthorized",\r\n "Post mis à jour avec succès" : "Post updated successfully",\r\n "Post supprimé avec succès" : "Post successfully deleted",\r\n "Accès complet à ce contenu de créateur gratuit" : "Full access to this free creator content",\r\n "Annulez votre abonnement à tout moment": "Cancel your subscription anytime",\r\n "Messages directs et accès aux commentaires sur les publications publiques":"Direct messages and access comments on public posts",\r\n "Accès complet à ce contenu de créateur" : "Full access to this creator content",\r\n "Discutez avec moi et demandez du contenu exclusif" : "Chat with me and ask exclusive contents",\r\n "Contenus exclusifs via le chat" : "Exclusive contents through chat",\r\n "Découvrez ma bibliothèque média à la demande" : "Discover my media on demand library",\r\n "Hier" :"yesterday",\r\n "à" :"to",\r\n "prix par mois TVA incluse 19%" : "price per month VAT included 19%",\r\n "Lorsque vous fixez le prix de l'abonnement, veillez à insérer le montant mensuel TVA incluse (19%). La TVA sera déduite de votre portefeuille après le paiement des utilisateurs et des frais de traitement des paiements (7%). Définissez simplement le prix mensuel de chaque tablette. Cela vous aidera à créer des réductions pour les abonnements plus longs :" :"When you set the subscription price, make sure to insert the monthly amount with VAT included (19%). The VAT will be deducted to your wallet after the payment of users and payment processor fees (7%). Just set the monthly price in each tablet. This will help you create discounts for longer subscriptions.",\r\n "Lorsque vous fixez le prix de l'abonnement, veillez à insérer le montant mensuel TVA incluse (19%). La TVA sera déduite de votre portefeuille après le paie "Après réessayez !" :"Then try again !",\r\n "Ce montant comprend 19% de TVA": "This amount includes 19% VAT",\r\n "Nous avons envoyé par e-mail votre lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe!" : "Nous avons envoyé par e-mail votre lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe!",\r\n "Nous avons envoyé par e-mail votre lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe!" : "Nous avons envoyé par e-mail votre lien de réinitialisation de mot de pass "Nous ne pouvons pas trouver un utilisateur avec cette adresse e-mail." : "We cannot find a user with this email address.",\r\n "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour payer cette transaction. Veuillez recharger votre portefeuille ici :" :"You don't have enough money to pay for this transaction. Please top up your wallet here :",\r\n "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour payer cette transaction. Veuillez recharger votre portefeuille ici :" :"You don't have enough money to pay for this tra "Supprimer ma video":"Delete my video",\r\n "Mes bookmarks" :"My bookmarks",\r\n "Retirer aux bookmarks." : "Remove from my bookmarks.",\r\n "Ajouter aux bookmarks." : "Add to my bookmarks.",\r\n "Bookmrks vide." : "Empty boomarks.",\r\n "Post retirer dans bookmarks.": "Post removed from my bookmark.",\r\n "Post ajouter aux bookmarks.": "Post added to my bookmark.",\r\n "mois" : "month",\r\n "Compte gratuit" : "Free account",\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n "Créer un post du type" : "Create a post like",\r\n "Ajouter prix" : "Add price",\r\n "Créer un post du type public" : "Create a post like public",\r\n "Le nombre maximun de post type publique est atteinte." : "The maximum number of public post types has been reached.",\r\n "Ces posts apparaîtront sur le mur public de la plateforme." : "These posts will appear on the platform's public wall.",\r\n "Vous en avez :countPostPublic post public (max :maxPostPublic)" : "You have :countPostPublic public posts (max :maxPostPublic)",\r\n "+ ajouter un nouveau post public." : "+ add new public post.",\r\n "modifier le post public." : "edit public post.",\r\n "Passeport ou carte d'identité." : "Upload passport or ID card.",\r\n "Selfie avec pièce d'identité." : "Upload your selfie with ID.",\r\n "Après la soumission, le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 48 heures (heures ouvrables)." :"After submission, the process can take up to 48 hours (business hours).",\r\n "Après la soumission, le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 48 heures (heures ouvrables)." :"After submission, the process can take up to 48 hours (business hou "Cliquer un par un les bouttons ci-dessous pour selectionnner les differents documents demandés" :"Click the buttons below one by one to select the different documents requested",\r\n "Cliquer un par un les bouttons ci-dessous pour selectionnner les differents documents demandés" :"Click the buttons below one by one to select the differen "Les deux documents sont obligatoires et doivent être clairs pour devenir créateur." :" Both documents are mandatory and should be clear to become a creator.",\r\n "Les deux documents sont obligatoires et doivent être clairs pour devenir créateur." :" Both documents are mandatory and should be clear to become a creator "1) Téléchargez votre identifiant":"1) Upload your ID",\r\n "2) Téléchargez votre selfie avec une pièce d'identité à la main":"2) Upload your selfie with ID in your hand",\r\n "Vous n' avez pas de carte":"You don't have a card",\r\n "En cours ..." : "Processing ...",\r\n "Payer par carte" : "Pay by card",\r\n "Notre plateforme est heureuse d'accueillir toutes les communautés : LGBTQIA, mannequins, modèles IA, etc..." : "Our platform is happy to welcome all communities : LGBTQIA, models, AI models, etc...",\r\n "Notre plateforme est heureuse d'accueillir toutes les communautés : LGBTQIA, mannequins, modèles IA, etc..." : "Our platform is happy to welcome all commun "Votre carte n'est pas encore enregistrée, veuillez ajouter une carte ci-dessous":"Your card is not registered yet, please add a card below",\r\n "Categories" : "Categories",\r\n "Votre vangues parlées" : "Spoken languages",\r\n "Choisissez votre langue parlés" : "Choise your spoken languages",\r\n "Choisissez votre categorie" : "Choise your categorie",\r\n "Liste des langues parlées" : "List of languages ​​spoken",\r\n "Tableau de bord" :"Dashboard",\r\n "Langue parlée de :" : "Spoken language of :",\r\n "Appliquer" : "Apply",\r\n "Annuler" : "Cancel",\r\n "Depuis" : "From",\r\n "Cet outil vous permettra d’analyser vos ventes afin d’optimiser vos revenus" : "This tool will allow you to analyze your sales in order to optimize your income",\r\n "Cet outil vous permettra d’analyser vos ventes afin d’optimiser vos revenus" : "This tool will allow you to analyze your sales in order to optimize your in "Personnaliser" : "Custom",\r\n "Ces 7 derniers jours" : "Last 7 Days",\r\n "Le mois dernier" : "Last month",\r\n "60 derniers jours" : "Last 60 Days",\r\n "Artiste" : "Artist",\r\n "Influenceur(se)" : "Influencer",\r\n "Enreigistrement avec succès": "Saves successfully",\r\n "Anglais" : "English",\r\n "Français" : "French",\r\n "Espagnol": "Spanish",\r\n "Arabe": "Arabic",\r\n "Chinois": "Chinese",\r\n "Japonais": "Japanese",\r\n "Hindi": "Hindi",\r\n "Russe": "Russian",\r\n "Allemand": "German",\r\n "Bengali": "Bengali",\r\n "Portugais": "Portuguese",\r\n "Javanais": "Javanese",\r\n "Italien": "Italian",\r\n "Telugu": "Telugu",\r\n "Marathi": "Marathi",\r\n "Ourdou": "Urdu",\r\n "Tamoul": "Tamil",\r\n "Vietnamien": "Vietnamese",\r\n "Coréen": "Korean",\r\n "Haoussa": "Hausa",\r\n "Gujarati": "Gujarati",\r\n "Malais": "Malay",\r\n "Pachto": "Pashto",\r\n "Tagalog": "Tagalog",\r\n "Oriya": "Oriya",\r\n "Malayalam": "Malayalam"\r\n } """ "PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA" => [] ]